31. Dried Pollock Soup (Bugeoguk), Korea’s Best Hangover Soup

Dried Pollock Soup (Bugeoguk): A Deep Dive into Korea’s Comforting Delight


Dried pollock soup, known as Bugeoguk in Korean, is a dish deeply embedded in Korean culinary traditions. With its delicate flavor and nourishing qualities, this soup has warmed countless Korean households for generations. From its unique preparation to its health benefits, let’s journey through the intricacies of this beloved Korean dish.


1. Origins of Dried Pollock Soup

Dried Pollock Soup

Dried pollock soup traces its roots back to ancient Korea. Historically, it was consumed during the harsh winter months due to the abundance of dried pollock and its nutritional value. The soup became synonymous with warmth, comfort, and sustenance.

2. The Significance in Korean Culture

In Korea, food is more than sustenance; it’s a reflection of culture and heritage. Dried pollock soup holds a special place, often prepared for special occasions and family gatherings. It’s believed to bring good fortune, making it a staple during celebrations like Lunar New Year.

3. Dried Pollock Soup (Bugeoguk) Recipe

Dried pollock soup, known as Bugeoguk in Korean, is a hearty and comforting dish that embodies the essence of Korean culinary tradition. With its nourishing broth and tender pieces of dried pollock, this soup is a favorite during cold winter months. Follow this simple recipe to recreate the authentic flavors of Bugeoguk in your own kitchen.


Dried Pollock Soup

150g dried pollock
1 medium-sized radish, sliced
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 onion, sliced
1 green onion, chopped (for garnish)
1 red chili pepper, sliced (optional for spice)
8 cups water
Salt to taste
1 tbsp sesame oil
Soy sauce (optional for added flavor)


1) Preparing Dried Pollock

Dried Pollock Soup

Rinse the dried pollock under cold water to remove any excess salt.
Soak the pollock in water for about 30 minutes until it becomes slightly soft.
Drain and rinse once more, then cut the pollock into bite-sized pieces.

2) Preparing the Broth
In a large pot, bring 8 cups of water to a boil.
Add the sliced radish, minced garlic, and onion to the pot.
Allow the broth to simmer for about 20 minutes to infuse the flavors.

3) Adding Dried Pollock
Once the broth is flavorful, add the prepared dried pollock to the pot.
Allow the soup to simmer for an additional 10-15 minutes until the pollock is tender.

4) Seasoning

Dried Pollock Soup

Season the soup with salt to taste. Add soy sauce if desired for an extra layer of flavor.
Drizzle sesame oil into the soup and stir gently to combine.

5) Serving

Dried Pollock Soup

Ladle the hot Bugeoguk into serving bowls.
Garnish with chopped green onions and sliced red chili peppers for a pop of color and spice.
Serve the dried pollock soup hot with steamed rice and kimchi for a complete Korean dining experience.

4. Nutritional Benefits

Beyond its delicious taste, dried pollock soup boasts several health benefits. Rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, it supports muscle growth, boosts immunity, and aids in digestion. Additionally, the fish’s collagen content promotes skin health, making it a beauty-enhancing dish.

5. Variations Across Regions

While the essence of dried pollock soup remains consistent, regional variations add depth to its culinary landscape. Different regions in Korea may incorporate local ingredients or employ distinct cooking techniques, resulting in unique interpretations of this classic dish.

6. Serving Traditions

Serving dried pollock soup is a ritual in itself. It’s often presented in a communal pot, encouraging sharing and togetherness. Accompaniments like steamed rice, kimchi, and side dishes complement the soup, creating a harmonious dining experience.

7. Culinary Pairings

Pairing dried pollock soup with other Korean delicacies enhances its flavor profile. Popular pairings include savory pancakes (jeon), spicy tofu (dubu-jorim), and pickled vegetables (kimchi). These combinations create a symphony of tastes, elevating the dining experience.

8. Seasonal Relevance

While dried pollock soup is enjoyed year-round, its popularity peaks during winter. The hot, nourishing broth provides comfort during cold days, making it a sought-after dish in Korean households and restaurants alike.

9. Modern Interpretations

With evolving culinary trends, chefs and home cooks alike experiment with dried pollock soup, infusing contemporary elements while preserving its authenticity. Whether it’s incorporating fusion ingredients or presenting it in innovative ways, the essence of the dish remains intact.

10. Culinary Tourism and Global Recognition

In recent years, Korean cuisine, including dried pollock soup, has garnered global attention. Culinary enthusiasts and travelers seek authentic dining experiences, propelling dishes like Bugeoguk into the international spotlight. Its unique flavors and cultural significance make it a must-try for food lovers worldwide.


Dried pollock soup, or Bugeoguk, is not just a dish but a journey through Korean culinary heritage. Its rich history, nutritional benefits, and cultural significance make it a beloved staple in Korean cuisine. As it continues to captivate palates globally, its essence remains a testament to the timeless appeal of traditional dishes.


What is dried pollock?
Dried pollock is a type of fish that has been dried to preserve it for longer periods. It’s a staple ingredient in Korean cuisine.

How is Bugeoguk traditionally served?
Bugeoguk is often served in a communal pot, accompanied by rice, kimchi, and other side dishes.

Is dried pollock soup spicy?
The level of spiciness can vary. Traditionally, it’s a mild soup, but some variations may include spicy elements.

Can I find dried pollock soup outside of Korea?
With the rising popularity of Korean cuisine, dried pollock soup can be found in Korean restaurants worldwide.

Is dried pollock soup gluten-free?
Yes, dried pollock soup is typically gluten-free, but it’s essential to check the ingredients, especially if dining out.

What are the key nutrients in dried pollock soup?
Dried pollock soup is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and collagen, offering numerous health benefits.

How do I store dried pollock at home?
Store dried pollock in a cool, dry place, preferably in an airtight container, to maintain its freshness.

Can I make vegetarian dried pollock soup?
While traditional dried pollock soup contains fish, creative vegetarian variations using plant-based ingredients are possible.

What other Korean dishes pair well with dried pollock soup?
Dishes like savory pancakes, spicy tofu, and pickled vegetables complement dried pollock soup beautifully.

Is dried pollock soup suitable for special occasions?
Yes, dried pollock soup is often prepared for special occasions and celebrations in Korean culture.

Today’s Quiz

What is the traditional Korean name for dried pollock soup?
a) Kimchi-jjigae
b) Bugeoguk
c) Bibimbap
d) Samgyeopsal

Answer: b) Bugeoguk


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