30. Haemulkalguksu (Seafood Kalguksu) Recipe

Seafood Kalguksu: A Dive into the Heart of Korean Cuisine


When one thinks of Korean cuisine, a delightful array of flavors, colors, and textures often comes to mind. At the heart of this rich culinary tapestry lies the Seafood Kalguksu, a soul-warming noodle soup that perfectly encapsulates the essence of Korean comfort food. This dish, with its intricate flavors and fresh ingredients, offers a journey through the coastal regions of Korea, where seafood reigns supreme. Let’s delve deeper into the world of Seafood Kalguksu, uncovering its history, ingredients, and the art of preparing this beloved Korean dish.


1. Historical Roots of Seafood Kalguksu

The origins of Seafood Kalguksu can be traced back to the coastal regions of South Korea, where fishermen and villagers devised ways to make hearty meals using the bounty of the sea. The word ‘Kalguksu’ translates to ‘knife noodles,’ referring to the hand-cut noodles that are a hallmark of this dish. Historically, this noodle soup was a staple among fishermen, providing them with nourishment and warmth during their arduous journeys at sea.

2. The Essential Ingredients

Seafood Kalguksu boasts a harmonious blend of ingredients, each playing a pivotal role in elevating the dish’s flavors. Fresh seafood such as shrimp, clams, and squid form the foundation, imparting a briny sweetness that is synonymous with dishes from the coastal regions. The hand-cut noodles, made from a simple dough of flour and water, soak up the rich broth, creating a satisfying bite with each spoonful.

3. Seafood Kalguksu Recipe: A Taste of Korean Coastal Comfort

Embarking on a culinary journey often starts with a single dish that captures the heart and soul of a culture. Seafood Kalguksu, a comforting Korean noodle soup, is one such dish that transports you straight to the bustling markets and serene coastal towns of South Korea. This recipe will guide you through the steps to recreate the authentic flavors of Seafood Kalguksu in your own kitchen, using fresh ingredients and traditional techniques.



For the Broth:

8 cups water
1 cup dried anchovies (remove heads and guts)
1 large piece dried kelp (about 6×6 inches)
1 onion, quartered
4 garlic cloves, crushed
1-inch piece ginger, sliced
Salt to taste

For the Noodles:

2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup water
Pinch of salt

For the Seafood:

1/2 lb shrimp, peeled and deveined
1/2 lb clams, scrubbed
1/2 lb squid, cleaned and sliced
2 green onions, sliced (for garnish)
1 red chili, sliced (optional for garnish)


1) Prepare the Broth:

In a large pot, bring water to a boil.
Add dried anchovies, dried kelp, onion, garlic, and ginger.
Reduce heat and simmer for 1 hour.
Strain the broth through a fine sieve, discarding the solids.
Season with salt to taste.

2) Make the Noodles:


In a mixing bowl, combine flour and salt.
Gradually add water, kneading until a smooth dough forms.
Roll out the dough on a floured surface until thin.
Cut the dough into thin strips using a sharp knife.
Dust the noodles with flour to prevent sticking.

3) Cook the Seafood:

In a separate pot, bring the strained broth to a simmer.
Add shrimp, clams, and squid, cooking until seafood is tender and cooked through.
Remove the seafood with a slotted spoon and set aside.

4) Assemble the Seafood Kalguksu:


Divide the cooked noodles into serving bowls.
Ladle the hot broth over the noodles.
Top with cooked seafood, green onions, and sliced red chili.
Serve immediately and enjoy the comforting flavors of Seafood Kalguksu.

Making Seafood Kalguksu at home allows you to experience the rich and comforting flavors of this beloved Korean dish. With fresh seafood, hand-cut noodles, and a flavorful broth, each spoonful transports you to the heart of Korean coastal cuisine. Whether enjoyed as a warming meal on a chilly day or as a culinary adventure in your own kitchen, Seafood Kalguksu is sure to delight your taste buds and nourish your soul.

4. Hand-Cut Noodles: A Labor of Love

The noodles in Seafood Kalguksu are not your ordinary store-bought variety. Hand-cut by skilled chefs, these noodles possess a rustic charm and texture that set them apart. The process of kneading, rolling, and cutting the dough requires precision and finesse, ensuring that each strand retains its integrity when cooked.

5. Regional Variations

While Seafood Kalguksu has its roots in the coastal regions of South Korea, variations of this beloved dish can be found throughout the country. Each region puts its unique spin on the classic recipe, incorporating local ingredients and culinary techniques. Whether it’s the addition of spicy gochugaru in the bustling streets of Seoul or the use of fresh abalone in the serene coastal towns, Seafood Kalguksu continues to evolve while staying true to its core essence.

6. Health Benefits: More Than Just a Meal

Beyond its sumptuous flavors, Seafood Kalguksu offers a myriad of health benefits. Seafood, a primary ingredient in the dish, is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and essential minerals. The broth, simmered to perfection, is not only flavorful but also packed with nutrients and vitamins. It’s no wonder that Seafood Kalguksu is often hailed as a wholesome and nourishing meal, cherished by both young and old alike.

7. Pairing Seafood Kalguksu with Banchan

In Korean cuisine, the concept of ‘Banchan’ refers to an assortment of side dishes served alongside the main course. Seafood Kalguksu pairs beautifully with an array of Banchan, such as kimchi, pickled radishes, and seasoned vegetables. These side dishes complement the richness of the noodle soup, offering a balanced and harmonious dining experience.

8. Seafood Kalguksu in Modern Culinary Scene

As Korean cuisine gains popularity on the global stage, Seafood Kalguksu has found its way into the menus of upscale restaurants and trendy eateries worldwide. Chefs, both in Korea and abroad, are putting innovative spins on the classic dish, incorporating contemporary techniques and global influences. Yet, at its core, Seafood Kalguksu remains a beloved comfort food, transcending cultural boundaries and delighting palates across the globe.

9. Cooking Seafood Kalguksu at Home


While enjoying Seafood Kalguksu at a restaurant is undoubtedly a treat, recreating this delectable dish at home can be a rewarding experience. With a handful of quality ingredients and a bit of patience, home cooks can capture the essence of Korean cuisine in their kitchens. From sourcing fresh seafood to mastering the art of noodle-making, crafting Seafood Kalguksu at home is a culinary journey worth embarking on.

10. Preserving the Legacy of Seafood Kalguksu

As we celebrate the rich history and flavors of Seafood Kalguksu, it’s essential to recognize the efforts of communities and chefs dedicated to preserving its legacy. Through culinary workshops, cultural festivals, and educational initiatives, the spirit of Seafood Kalguksu continues to thrive, ensuring that future generations can savor this timeless dish and appreciate its place in the vibrant tapestry of Korean cuisine.


Seafood Kalguksu, with its rich history, intricate flavors, and cultural significance, is more than just a dish—it’s a culinary masterpiece that embodies the essence of Korean comfort food. From its humble origins in the coastal villages of South Korea to its presence on global menus, Seafood Kalguksu continues to captivate hearts and palates alike. As we savor each spoonful of this soul-warming noodle soup, we not only indulge in its delectable flavors but also pay homage to a dish that has stood the test of time, uniting generations through the shared love of food.


What does ‘Kalguksu’ mean in Korean cuisine?
‘Kalguksu’ translates to ‘knife noodles,’ referring to the hand-cut noodles used in the dish.

What are the essential ingredients in Seafood Kalguksu?
Seafood Kalguksu features fresh seafood such as shrimp, clams, and squid, along with hand-cut noodles and a flavorful broth.

Is Seafood Kalguksu a healthy dish?
Yes, Seafood Kalguksu is packed with nutrients from seafood and the broth, making it a wholesome and nourishing meal.

How can I make Seafood Kalguksu at home?
Crafting Seafood Kalguksu at home requires quality ingredients, including fresh seafood and hand-cut noodles, along with a flavorful broth.

What are some popular Banchan served with Seafood Kalguksu?
Popular Banchan paired with Seafood Kalguksu include kimchi, pickled radishes, and seasoned vegetables.

Is Seafood Kalguksu popular outside of Korea?
Yes, Seafood Kalguksu has gained popularity worldwide, featuring on menus of upscale restaurants and trendy eateries.

How does Seafood Kalguksu differ across regions in Korea?
Different regions in Korea put their unique spin on Seafood Kalguksu, incorporating local ingredients and culinary techniques.

What makes the broth in Seafood Kalguksu flavorful?
The broth in Seafood Kalguksu is made by simmering anchovies, kelp, and various aromatics for hours, extracting depth and complexity.

Can I pair Seafood Kalguksu with other Korean dishes?
Yes, Seafood Kalguksu pairs well with a variety of Korean dishes, offering a balanced and harmonious dining experience.

Why is Seafood Kalguksu considered a culinary masterpiece?
Seafood Kalguksu is considered a culinary masterpiece due to its rich history, intricate flavors, and cultural significance in Korean cuisine.

Today’s Quiz

Question: What does ‘Kalguksu’ translate to in Korean cuisine?

Answer: ‘Kalguksu’ translates to ‘knife noodles,’ referring to the hand-cut noodles used in the dish.


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