52. Sujebi (수제비) recipe


Craving a hearty, comforting meal that warms you up from the inside out? Look no further than sujebi, a beloved Korean dish that combines handmade dough with a flavorful broth and an array of fresh ingredients. Whether you’re a fan of Korean cuisine or simply looking to expand your culinary horizons, sujebi is sure to delight your taste buds with its satisfying textures and rich flavors. In this blog post, we’ll explore everything you need to know about sujebi, from its origins and variations to a step-by-step recipe that you can easily recreate in your own kitchen. So, let’s dive in and discover the delicious world of sujebi together!



1. The Origins of Sujebi

Sujebi traces its roots back to traditional Korean cuisine, where resourcefulness and creativity were key in making the most out of humble ingredients. The dish was born out of necessity, as people sought ways to make hearty, filling meals using simple pantry staples. Over time, sujebi evolved into a beloved comfort food enjoyed by people of all ages across Korea. Today, it remains a popular choice for family gatherings, casual meals, and cozy dinners alike.

2. What Exactly is Sujebi?

At its core, sujebi consists of hand-torn pieces of dough simmered in a savory broth along with various vegetables and sometimes meat or seafood. The dough is typically made from flour, water, and salt, resulting in soft, chewy dumplings that soak up the flavors of the broth. The vegetables added to sujebi can vary depending on personal preference and seasonal availability but commonly include onions, potatoes, zucchini, and carrots. The broth is often flavored with soy sauce, garlic, and other seasonings to enhance its taste and aroma.

Sujebi with Seafood
Sujebi with Seafood

3. Different Variations of Sujebi

While the basic components of sujebi remain the same, there are countless variations of the dish found throughout Korea. In some regions, sujebi is made with a thicker dough, resulting in denser dumplings that provide a more substantial bite. In others, the broth may be spiced up with chili paste or chili flakes for a touch of heat. Additionally, some versions of sujebi incorporate kimchi or tofu for added flavor and texture. No matter the variation, sujebi is always a comforting and satisfying meal that brings joy to those who enjoy it.

spicy sujebi
spicy sujebi

4. Sujebi Restaurants: A Culinary Experience

For those eager to sample authentic sujebi made by skilled hands, sujebi restaurants offer a culinary experience like no other. These establishments specialize in preparing and serving sujebi in a variety of styles, ranging from traditional to modern interpretations. One renowned sujebi restaurant is located in the vibrant neighborhood of Samcheongdong, known for its bustling food scene and charming atmosphere. Here, diners can savor sujebi made with the freshest ingredients and expertly crafted broths, ensuring a memorable dining experience that keeps them coming back for more.

5. The Art of Making Sujebi: A Step-by-Step Guide

While dining out at a sujebi restaurant is a treat, making sujebi at home allows you to tailor the dish to your preferences and experiment with different flavors. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making sujebi from scratch:

Flour dough
  1. Prepare the dough by combining flour, water, and salt in a mixing bowl. Knead the dough until it forms a smooth, elastic ball.
  2. Roll out the dough on a floured surface until it is about 1/4 inch thick. Using your hands, tear off small pieces of dough and shape them into flat, irregular dumplings.
  3. In a large pot, bring your choice of broth to a simmer. You can use chicken, beef, or vegetable broth depending on your preference.
  4. Add your choice of vegetables to the broth, such as sliced onions, diced potatoes, and chopped carrots. Allow the vegetables to cook until they are tender.
  5. Gently drop the handmade dumplings into the simmering broth, taking care not to overcrowd the pot. Cook the dumplings for about 5-7 minutes, or until they float to the surface and are cooked through.
  6. Season the sujebi with soy sauce, garlic, and other seasonings to taste. Serve hot and enjoy!

Making sujebi at home is a rewarding experience that allows you to appreciate the craftsmanship and care that goes into each bowl of this comforting dish.

6. Health Benefits of Sujebi

In addition to being delicious, sujebi also offers a range of health benefits thanks to its nutritious ingredients and balanced flavors. The vegetables used in sujebi provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, while the handmade dough adds a satisfying texture and helps keep you feeling full and satisfied. By opting for a broth-based soup like sujebi, you can enjoy a comforting meal that nourishes your body without weighing you down. Plus, making sujebi at home allows you to control the ingredients and customize the dish to suit your dietary preferences and nutritional needs.

7. Sujebi: A Dish for All Seasons

While sujebi is often enjoyed during the colder months for its warming and comforting qualities, it can be enjoyed year-round thanks to its versatility and adaptability. In the summer, sujebi can be served chilled with a refreshing broth and crisp, seasonal vegetables for a light and satisfying meal. In the fall, sujebi can be made with hearty root vegetables and aromatic spices to celebrate the flavors of the season. Whether it’s a snowy winter day or a sunny spring afternoon, sujebi is always a welcome addition to any mealtime.

8. Sujebi Around the World

As Korean cuisine continues to gain popularity on the global stage, sujebi has found its way onto menus in restaurants around the world. From bustling metropolises to small towns, sujebi has captured the hearts and taste buds of food enthusiasts everywhere. Whether you’re dining at a Korean restaurant in New York City or Tokyo, you’re likely to find sujebi on the menu, showcasing the dish’s widespread appeal and enduring popularity. As more people discover the joys of sujebi, its presence in international culinary scenes is only expected to grow.

9. Tips for Perfecting Your Sujebi

While sujebi is a relatively simple dish to prepare, there are a few tips and tricks you can keep in mind to ensure your sujebi turns out perfectly every time. Firstly, be sure to knead the dough thoroughly to develop the gluten and create a chewy texture. Additionally, take care not to overcook the dumplings, as they can become mushy if left in the broth for too long. Lastly, don’t be afraid to get creative with your sujebi by experimenting with different vegetables, proteins, and seasonings to tailor the dish to your tastes.

10. Serving Suggestions and Pairings

Sujebi is a versatile dish that can be enjoyed on its own or paired with a variety of side dishes and accompaniments for a more substantial meal. Some popular pairings include kimchi, pickled vegetables, and crispy fried tofu, which complement the flavors of the sujebi and add variety to the meal. Additionally, a bowl of steamed rice or a side of Korean-style pancakes can round out the meal and provide additional sustenance. Whether you choose to enjoy sujebi as a light lunch or a hearty dinner, there are endless ways to customize and enhance the dining experience.


In conclusion, sujebi is more than just a dish—it’s a celebration of tradition, craftsmanship, and culinary creativity. From its humble origins in Korean home kitchens to its presence on menus around the world, sujebi continues to captivate food enthusiasts with its comforting flavors and satisfying textures. Whether you’re enjoying a bowl at a sujebi restaurant or making it at home with loved ones, sujebi brings people together and nourishes the body and soul. So why not embark on your own sujebi culinary adventure today and discover the joy of this timeless Korean dish?


What does sujebi taste like?
Sujebi has a savory flavor profile with hints of garlic, soy sauce, and other seasonings. The handmade dumplings are soft and chewy, while the broth is rich and flavorful.

Can I make sujebi with gluten-free flour?
Yes, you can make sujebi with gluten-free flour for those with dietary restrictions. Simply substitute gluten-free flour for the regular flour in the dough recipe.

Is sujebi spicy?
Sujebi can be made spicy by adding chili paste or chili flakes to the broth. However, the level of spiciness can be adjusted according to personal preference.

What vegetables are commonly used in sujebi?
Common vegetables used in sujebi include onions, potatoes, zucchini, carrots, and green onions. However, you can customize the dish with your favorite vegetables.

Can I freeze sujebi for later?
While sujebi is best enjoyed fresh, you can freeze leftovers for later consumption. Simply store the cooled sujebi in an airtight container and freeze for up to three months. Reheat in a pot on the stove or in the microwave before serving.

Is sujebi considered a healthy meal?
Sujebi can be a healthy meal option, especially when made with a variety of vegetables and a balanced broth. However, like any dish, it’s important to enjoy sujebi in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Can I make sujebi without meat or seafood?
Yes, sujebi can be made without meat or seafood for those following a vegetarian or vegan diet. Simply use vegetable broth and omit the meat or seafood from the recipe.

How long does it take to make sujebi from scratch?
Making sujebi from scratch typically takes about 30-45 minutes, depending on the complexity of the recipe and the number of ingredients used.

Can I add noodles to sujebi?
While sujebi traditionally does not contain noodles, you can certainly add them if you prefer. Simply cook the noodles separately according to the package instructions and add them to the broth along with the dumplings and vegetables.

What is the best way to store leftover sujebi?
Leftover sujebi can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days. To reheat, simply transfer the sujebi to a pot and warm over medium heat until heated through.

Today’s Quiz

Question: What are the main ingredients in sujebi?

Answer: The main ingredients in sujebi are handmade dough, savory broth, and a variety of vegetables.


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