38. Soy Sauce Crab (ganjang gejang): In Korea, it is called rice thief

Soy Sauce Crab Recipe


Soy sauce crab, a gastronomic masterpiece, is a dish that marries the succulence of crab meat with the rich umami notes of soy sauce. In this culinary adventure, we’ll guide you through a step-by-step recipe to recreate this delectable dish in the comfort of your own kitchen. Get ready to embark on a flavorful journey with our Soy Sauce Crab Recipe.


1. Soy Sauce Crab Recipe

Soy Sauce Crab


Note: Adjust quantities based on the number of servings desired.

4 to 6 fresh mud crabs or blue crabs (cleaned and cracked)
1 cup light soy sauce
1/2 cup dark soy sauce
1/4 cup oyster sauce
3 tablespoons rice vinegar
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 tablespoon grated ginger
4 cloves garlic (minced)
2 stalks green onions (chopped)
1-2 red chili peppers (sliced, for garnish)
Fresh cilantro leaves (for garnish)
2 tablespoons vegetable oil for cooking


1) Prepare the Crabs:

Ensure the crabs are thoroughly cleaned, and the hard shell is cracked for easy sauce penetration.
If using live crabs, ensure they are humanely and swiftly prepared before cooking.

2) Create the Soy Sauce Marinade:

In a bowl, mix together the light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, rice vinegar, brown sugar, sesame oil, grated ginger, and minced garlic.
Stir the marinade until the sugar is completely dissolved, creating a harmonious blend of savory and sweet flavors.

3) Marinate the Crabs:

Soy Sauce Crab

Place the cleaned and cracked crabs in a large bowl.
Pour the soy sauce marinade over the crabs, ensuring they are evenly coated.
Allow the crabs to marinate for at least 30 minutes, allowing the flavors to infuse.

4) Cooking Process:

Heat vegetable oil in a large wok or skillet over medium-high heat.
Add the marinated crabs to the wok, reserving the marinade for later use.
Stir-fry the crabs for about 5 minutes, ensuring they are well-coated with the initial heat.

5) Simmering in Marinade:

Pour the reserved marinade over the crabs in the wok.
Reduce the heat to medium and let the crabs simmer in the marinade for an additional 15-20 minutes or until the crabs are fully cooked and infused with the soy sauce flavors.

6) Garnish and Serve:

Soy Sauce Crab

Sprinkle chopped green onions and sliced red chili peppers over the soy sauce crabs.
Finish with a generous scattering of fresh cilantro leaves for added freshness and aroma.

7) Serve with Accompaniments:

Soy sauce crab pairs wonderfully with steamed rice, allowing you to savor the exquisite flavors of the dish.
Consider adding stir-fried vegetables or a light soup to create a well-rounded and satisfying meal.

2. Crab Varieties Perfect for Soy Sauce Infusion:

Not all crabs are created equal when it comes to soy sauce preparation. Delicate and sweet varieties like mud crabs or blue crabs are often preferred, as their flavors complement the soy sauce infusion, creating a harmonious and memorable dining experience.

3. The Art of Soy Sauce Marination:

Soy Sauce Crab

The secret to a truly exceptional soy sauce crab lies in the marination process. Crabs are meticulously cleaned, then bathed in a blend of soy sauce, garlic, ginger, and other carefully selected ingredients. The marination allows the flavors to penetrate the crab meat, resulting in a dish that is both succulent and infused with the essence of soy sauce.

4. Regional Variations in Soy Sauce Crab Preparation:

Different regions have put their unique spin on soy sauce crab, adding local ingredients and techniques to create distinctive variations. From the vibrant street markets of Seoul to the traditional kitchens of Shanghai, each locale brings its flair to this celebrated dish.

5. Health Benefits of Consuming Soy Sauce Crab:

While soy sauce crab is undoubtedly a treat for the taste buds, it also offers some health benefits. The omega-3 fatty acids present in crab meat contribute to heart health, and the antioxidants in soy sauce may have anti-inflammatory properties. Moderation is key, but indulging in this dish can be a flavorful way to nourish the body.

6. Pairing Soy Sauce Crab with Complementary Dishes:

Soy Sauce Crab

Soy sauce crab is often enjoyed in combination with other dishes to create a well-rounded meal. Pairing it with steamed rice, stir-fried vegetables, or even a light soup enhances the dining experience, allowing the soy sauce crab to shine as the centerpiece of a delicious ensemble.

7. Culinary Tips for Cooking Soy Sauce Crab at Home:

For those eager to recreate the magic of soy sauce crab in their own kitchens, mastering a few culinary tips is essential. From choosing the freshest crabs to perfecting the soy sauce marinade, attention to detail ensures a homemade dish that rivals restaurant-quality soy sauce crab.

8. Cultural Significance of Soy Sauce Crab:

Beyond its culinary allure, soy sauce crab holds cultural significance in many East Asian societies. It is often served during festive occasions, family gatherings, and celebratory feasts, symbolizing abundance, prosperity, and the joy of shared meals.

9. Popular Soy Sauce Crab Destinations:

Food enthusiasts seeking an authentic soy sauce crab experience have a plethora of destinations to explore. From the seafood markets of Hong Kong to the seafood street stalls of Busan, these locales are renowned for serving up some of the finest soy sauce crab dishes.

10. Soy Sauce Crab in Modern Culinary Trends:

As global palates continue to evolve, soy sauce crab has found its place in modern culinary trends. Chefs worldwide are experimenting with fusion recipes, incorporating soy sauce crab into contemporary dishes that blend traditional flavors with innovative twists.


In conclusion, soy sauce crab is not merely a dish; it is a testament to the artistry of culinary traditions and the delightful fusion of flavors. From its humble beginnings to its prominence on global culinary stages, soy sauce crab remains a culinary gem, inviting food enthusiasts to savor its rich heritage and exceptional taste.


Q: Can I use any type of crab for soy sauce crab?
A: While various crab types can be used, mud crabs and blue crabs are often preferred for their delicate flavor and ability to complement the soy sauce infusion.

Q: What are the health benefits of consuming soy sauce crab?
A: Soy sauce crab provides omega-3 fatty acids from crab meat for heart health and may offer anti-inflammatory properties from the antioxidants in soy sauce.

Q: Are there regional variations in soy sauce crab preparation?
A: Yes, different regions add their unique touch to soy sauce crab, incorporating local ingredients and techniques to create distinctive variations.

Q: Can I cook soy sauce crab at home?
A: Absolutely! With attention to choosing fresh crabs and mastering the soy sauce marinade, you can create restaurant-quality soy sauce crab in the comfort of your kitchen.

Q: What dishes pair well with soy sauce crab?
A: Soy sauce crab pairs excellently with steamed rice, stir-fried vegetables, or a light soup, creating a well-rounded and flavorful meal.

Q: Is soy sauce crab served in specific cultural celebrations?
A: Yes, soy sauce crab holds cultural significance and is often served during festive occasions, family gatherings, and celebratory feasts in East Asian societies.

Q: Are there culinary tips for cooking soy sauce crab at home?
A: Yes, mastering details such as choosing fresh crabs and perfecting the soy sauce marinade is crucial for achieving a homemade soy sauce crab dish of exceptional quality.

Q: Where can I find the best soy sauce crab dishes?
A: Renowned destinations for exceptional soy sauce crab experiences include the seafood markets of Hong Kong and the seafood street stalls of Busan.

Q: How has soy sauce crab evolved in modern culinary trends?
A: In modern culinary trends, chefs worldwide are experimenting with fusion recipes, incorporating soy sauce crab into contemporary dishes with innovative twists.

Q: Can soy sauce crab be part of a regular diet?
A: While soy sauce crab is a flavorful indulgence, moderation is key when incorporating it into a regular diet.

Today’s Quiz

Question: What type of crabs are often preferred for soy sauce crab due to their delicate flavor?

Answer: Mud crabs and blue crabs are often preferred for soy sauce crab due to their delicate flavor that complements the soy sauce infusion.

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